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Intuitive Makeover Series: #3 - Your Marriage/Partnership
Today's 'Ask Kate' question comes from Darla (Ohio).
Darla asks, "Can you still have a relationship with people after they die? I feel like my sister, who passed away last year, is still around and making me laugh. Am...
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Intuitive Makeover Series: #4 - Parenthood
Today's 'Ask Kate' question comes from Elizabeth (Sacramento, California).
Elizabeth asks, "I listen to your podcast and am beginning to understand the difference between my imagination and my Intuition. But how can I...
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Why it's harder for a Sensitive to deal with Money. My interview with Financial Wellness Coach, Megan deBoer
Get ready to explore the world of being a Sensitive while embracing the energy of money.
No longer will you feel like you:
Don't need it
Don't deserve it
Can't keep it
Will never make it
In this episode, I interview...
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When Someone Is Murdered: Why you need to know what type of Psychic/Sensitive you are
How do you process the energy, information and emotion when someone you know is murdered? In this episode, let's talk about what it means to be a Medium, Empath and a Psychic/Sensitive when murder is in the air.
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Your Intuition is the KEY
There is one KEY that will unlock the knowledge to your:
1. Past Lives
2. Soul Type
3. Souls Age
4. Personality Type
5. Early Life Lessons
Let's talk about how your Intuition gives you the answers that only it can...
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The Secret to Living a Meaningful Life: 3-Reasons to Tether to life
Find out why we must tether to people, places and things in life as a Soul, and 3-reasons why.
And I'll give you my 4-steps on how to use your Intuition to answer and refine all of your personal questions about who...
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A Psychic is a Mechanic of the Soul
In this episode, let's talk about how Intuitive's are the Mechanics of the Soul.
Some people have a passion for fixing cars. Some people have a natural ability to make delicious food. And some of us naturally pursue...
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The Be Guided and Be Great book is finally here!
Your Intuition is made up of your Clairs, the language of the Soul.
In this book, Kate teaches you exactly what your Clairs are, and how they work in your day to day life. She also teaches you her secret formula for...
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There's No Ick in Psychic: How this phrase hurts Psychic Kids and 3-things to remember
Let's talk about how Psychic Kids (and adults) are affected when people make-fun of Psychics.
Yes, there are a lot of reasons it's funny to people that don't understand. And the perversion of the profession is...
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3-Good Things About Your Ego & why it's a part of being Human
In this episode, Kate reveals 3-ways the Ego helps you have a better human experience.
And ~
Want to deepen the relationship with your personal Intuition? Get your copy of the Be Guided and Be Great book,...
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3-Tricks To Being A Comfortable Medium (even if you don't know you are one)
The realities of being a Medium are complex and most people don't know they are until they're much older in life. There are so many little cues to let you know that the energy of the dead is wearing on your nervous...
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Intuition, the most important relationship of your life
There's a phenomena , the more Spirit Guided your life is, the less people you'll have in it. Or the less you'll have people that understand you, correctly advise you, or can comprehend who and what you are as a...
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